Our Mission

At MindStudio Academy, we cater to enterprises, SMBs, and individuals, offering a learning path that helps you build expertise and shape the future of AI! Our program equips a diverse community of learners — from aspiring to experienced AI expert — with advanced skills to innovate and lead in the digital arena. Our core mission is to nurture AI experts capable of driving technological advancement and creative solutions across various sectors.

Meet the team

MindStudio Academy thrives thanks to their dedication and expertise.

CEO | MindStudio

Dmitry Shapiro

CTO | MindStudio

Sean Thielen

Lead Product Manager | MindStudio

Luis Chavez

Head of Marketing | MindStudio

Elizabeth Esche

Head of Finance | MindStudio

Jerry Wu

Founder | The Upgrade

Peter Bittner

Teaching Assistant | The Upgrade

Bennie Mayberry

Head of Assessment | The Upgrade

Uros Pesic

Teaching Assistant | The Upgrade

Tom Vazdar

Head of Marketing and Operation | The Upgrade

Rick Ahn

Teaching Assistant | The Upgrade

Pablo De La Hoya

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We can help.

Increased Efficiency

AI automates routine tasks, speeding up processes, reducing errors, and freeing up human resources.

Competitive Advantage

In a rapidly evolving market, understanding and utilizing AI can give businesses a significant competitive edge, allowing them to stay relevant and ahead of trends.

Innovation and Creativity

AI opens up new possibilities for innovation across industries. It can inspire new products, services, and ways of solving problems that weren't feasible before.